Large Ferry Service Grapples With Volatile Diesel Prices
Ferry services often have to set ticket prices for the season long before the first one is sold. Any item that unexpectedly…
For Dealers, A Year Really Only Lasts 100 Days
This just in, a year is not 365 days long for oil and propane marketers. Seasoned dealers know this by instinct and probably…
Where Did All The Heating Oil Go?
When New York State made the bold and relatively early move to replace traditional #2 heating oil with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel,…
The Unlucky Generation? - Hope and Wisdom for Fuel Dealers
It is a rare, often inspiring moment when a single innocuous event or brief snapshot in time can somehow capture a long standing…
Don’t Become Addicted to Guessing The Market - Avoiding Accidental Speculation
Whether they would admit it or not, every fuel dealer has resorted to guessing the market at some point. “This is the top”, “we…
It's Time to Rethink Customer Credit
The days of easy credit are a distant memory for now. In the early part of the last decade, it seemed as though having a pulse…