Price Plunge Puts Volatility Back in Play
Low prices could last, but hedging is a prudent strategy in the face of continuing uncertainty
Who Is Opposed to Lower Oil Prices?
No doubt consumers are delighted with falling oil prices. It’s a windfall of pocket money and the gift that keeps on giving.…
Unintended Consequences and Other Unexpected Outcomes
Account executives working for Hedge Solutions routinely provide information to clients pertaining to market fundamentals, as…
Predicting Winter Price Trends
What are prices going to do this winter? This time of year it’s always one of the first questions dealers ask. Should they be…
Think You Know Your Margins?
What are you doing with all that data you are mining these days? Modeling your data can tell you quickly and efficiently how to…
It’s a Boutique Fuel World
As we transition from traditional heating oil towards ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel by summer 2018, the East Coast heating fuel…