A Return of Volatility
During the last three months of 2018, crude oil lost over 40% of its value. West Texas Intermediate crude futures traded on…
Past, Present & Future
As another heating season approaches, it’s a good time to review the past, discuss current events, and peek into the future a…
Back to Basics with Hedging for Fuel Dealers
Which heating oil program(s) are you offering your clients this winter? How well is your profit margin protected? Ever felt the…
The Impact of Demand on Oil Prices
According to Oilprice.com, over “the last half-decade, the focus in the media and among analysts is usually on the supply…
U.S. and Saudis Clamp Down on Iran
Is this the End of the Output Cut Agreement?
U.S. Shale Production Growth Outlook
As always, there are multiple factors that weigh on oil markets, causing prices to rise and fall. U.S.–China trade tensions, the…